Capping & Bridges

Capping & Bridges

Did you break a tooth? Is a large cavity forcing you to chew your food on the other side of your mouth? A dental capping is a restoration that preserves the weaker, internal portion of a tooth that has large areas of decay or fractures. Caps cover the entire surface of the tooth above the gumline, returning the structural integrity to the tooth so that it can once again function as normal.

After we repair your tooth with a dental cap, you’ll be able to bite and chew just as you did before the tooth was damaged. Because it covers the entire tooth, a dental cap protects the weaker areas inside the tooth that would otherwise soften, decay, or break apart. The design of your dental cap will significantly affect the way your smile looks, so at Asha Advanced Dentistry we focus on aesthetics as well as general restorative treatment.

Dental capping are the last line of restorative treatment available to preserve a tooth.

They are often used:

  • After root canal therapy
  • To restore broken, fractured teeth
  • When replacing old, large fillings
  • To treat non-vital teeth

A dental cap is placed on a tooth when it is not possible to restore it with a filling. Fillings will only repair a portion of the tooth, but very large fillings cannot structurally withstand normal biting. A crown will distribute pressure evenly over the entire restoration, and protect the tooth from fracturing. Cosmetic Dental Crown Options