Cosmetic Veneers

Cosmetic Veneers

We understand how important it is to feel confident about your smile. If you’re feeling self-conscious and hiding your teeth when you smile, dental veneers offer a smart smile solution, providing a long-term, dramatic aesthetic option. Veneers can correct anything from a single problem tooth with a simple dental veneer treatment, but can also help you achieve a complete smile makeover with a full mouth veneer procedure. Dental veneers can instantly help you improve your smile by reducing gaps between teeth and rectifying crooked, stained or broken teeth.

A simple and painless way to change your smile, every veneer is made from an ultra-thin material, customised to conform to the front of your teeth. Without invasive, time-consuming and costly orthodontic work, these solid solutions mimic the look of your natural teeth. Veneers deliver reliable, instant results that can completely transform your smile.

We believe in being up front about the cost of veneers. That’s why our dental treatments are straightforward, so you’re not horrified by hidden expenses that can break your budget. On your initial FREE consultation, Dr Tam and his team will conduct a thorough assessment and consultation in order to discuss how you’d like to transform your smile. Taking your objectives on board, he’ll then provide a detailed veneer treatment plan, clearly listing all costs related to your choice of dental veneer therapy. Where applicable, we also have dental payment plans and Afterpay available for certain treatments. If you decide to go forward with the treatment, we’ll also take impressions of your teeth at this visit.

Depending on the kind of veneer option you decide on, we may see you for your next appointment up to two weeks later. This is when you’ll have your permanent veneers are applied or be given the option to try them to see it they’re suitable. Because there’s no need to prepare the teeth, your application appointments will always be quick and comfortable.

Composite veneers, otherwise known as ‘white fillings,’ are more affordable veneers that are made from resin and can be closely matched to your adjacent teeth. Because they’re designed to be fitted during a single appointment and can last up to 5 years if cared for, composite veneers will save you time and provide a fast and dependable cosmetic solution. It is also a more cost effective way to complete a full smile makeover. If you happen to love your coffee, this porous option may not suit you as much as porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers are made from thin layers of glazed porcelain, these veneers appear translucent and natural. Whilst the cost of porcelain veneers is slightly higher than composite veneers, they are a stronger, longer-lasting option, which won’t stain as easily. Because they look like natural teeth, porcelain veneers are more appropriate for treating your entire smile and can be fixed in place quickly and easily, requiring only a couple of quick, painless visits.