Dental Implants

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a procedure that involves a metal fixture (usually a screw) being fixed into the jawbone, which then acts as an anchor for a new false tooth. It seems straightforward, but this form of cosmetic dental surgery is quite an involved process, so it is in your best interests to fully understand the procedure, costs involved, and to speak with a dental implant expert prior to making a decision. Are missing teeth making you feel self-conscious about your smile, or keeping you from eating comfortably each day? Implant dentistry allows you to benefit from a brand new tooth that looks and feels natural. We offers comprehensive dental implant treatments at both of our specially equipped, Asha Advanced Dentistry.

The most common questions we field are about why you should get a dental implant and what are the options surrounding dental implants, as well as the costs involved.

Why Should I get a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are beneficial over several other more traditional forms of tooth replacement because of the following reasons:

  • They last longer than bridges or dentures
  • They prevent bone loss, which is often associated with missing teeth
  • They are an ideal replacement option for removable dentures
  • There is no wear and tear on surrounding teeth
  • They look natural and will only be identifiable by dentists
  • They allow you to eat hard foods without any issues
  • They can improve your self confidence
  • There is no age restriction: anyone can have dental implants

Is a Dental Implant Right for Me?

Dental implants, unlike teeth whitening, isn’t a one size fits all procedure, so you will need to spend some time with your dentist assessing whether or not you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. The three most important aspects of eligibility are:

  • You must have a reasonable amount of dense bone tissue in your jaw
  • You must not have periodontal disease (this is a form of gum disease)
  • You must not be a smoker, or at least be willing to give up smoking

Our experienced team of dental implant can help you decide whether dental implants are the best solution for your case – providing context as well as alternatives where possible. If you’re still not sure about whether you need dental implants you can book a Consultation at our clinic to discuss your case with anyone from our experienced team.