Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full mouth rehabilitation is a multi-modality and often multidisciplinary approach to correcting two or more dental concerns. Many patients experience multiple issues, including missing teeth, decay, generalised wear of their teeth, collapsed bite, damage due to accidents, malalignment, and others.

Full mouth rehabilitation is about customising a program to improve each issue, rebuild lost tissue to original esthetics/cosmetic appearance, and achieve full function and oral health. A few stages may be required to reach the end result.

What Dental Treatments Are Used in Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

The most common dental treatments used in full mouth reconstruction include:

  • Dental implants
  • Implant dentures
  • Porcelain veneers and crowns
  • Invisalign
  • Partial and complete dentures

Full Mouth Rehabilitation Vs. Smile Makeover:

The primary difference between full mouth rehabilitation and a Smile Makeover is a small one: rehabilitation is dedicated, overall, to function and a Makeover is dedicated, overall, to cosmetics. Still, there is no reason why a patient cannot choose to mix and match treatments to suit their needs. If you have some dental damage and misalignment but also desire whiter teeth, we can improve both the form and function of your teeth. Talk to us about your goals, and we will help you develop a plan that best suits you.

Steps in a Full Mouth Rehabilitation:

The first step regardless of the procedures you chose is a consultation and evaluation. Dr Tushar Hegde and his well experienced associates at ‘Asha Advanced Dentistry’ will review your needs, goals, and preferences to arrive at a customized program designed to optimise your outcome. The next steps will depend on which techniques are included in your treatment plan.

Some people end up with multiple concerns because they find visiting the dentist to be stressful—and we don’t want you to be scared to see us! We offer sedation dentistry options to help put you at ease, and we are dedicated to compassionate, nonjudgmental treatment. Our only goal is to help you achieve the smile you want and deserve.

Recovery following Full Mouth Rehabilitation:

The total recovery for your program will depend on which techniques are included. Everything is individualised to suit your needs and goals, and we will review every stage so you can be best prepared. Sometimes the pink (gums) are planned to be modified before or at the same time as the white (teeth) as part of a global treatment plan for you. We welcome your questions during the consultation and at any point going forward, so please feel free to reach out to the office by phone or email if you would like to discuss something.

How Much Does Full Mouth Rehabilitation Cost?

The price of full mouth rehabilitation will depend on which treatments you include and the complexity of your dental program. We will review all the details with you at your initial consultation, and we want you to feel fully at ease with each stage of treatment as well as the expenses. If you have any questions, please voice them. We will do everything in our power to help you have the best possible experience in our care.

Bothered by dental problems? Our team is ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin repairing that smile for a brighter and more comfortable tomorrow.