

As the name implies, Invisalign clear aligners are made of almost invisible polyurethane plastic. Rather than being cemented or bonded to the teeth as metal or clear braces are, clear aligners are completely removable — for occasions like eating tooth-brushing and flossing.

Invisalign is a teeth-straightening system that uses digitally-guided and computer-assisted design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) to generate a series of clear aligner trays to gradually shift the teeth into proper alignment. Rather than use metal wires and brackets, as traditional braces do, Invisalign offers a virtually invisible orthodontic treatment that is more comfortable than the alternative, as well as removable.


  • Faster treatment
  • Proven results
  • Comfort fit
  • Effective
  • Virtually invisible
  • Convenient
  • Ability to treat your teeth without obscuring your smile
  • No irritation or discomfort


Treatment plan will be developed during your initial consultation. Digital imaging will be used to create a customised program that is broken up into a series of two-week treatments. For each of these treatments, you will wear an aligner that is designed to gently move your teeth closer to their final position. You should wear each aligner as much as possible-aim for at least 20 hours a day, though we recommend 22-23 for the best results-only removing them to eat, drink, brush, and floss. You can of course take them out for other reasons, just be mindful about how long you go without them.