Painless Surgical Extraction of Wisdom Tooth

Painless surgical extraction of wisdom tooth

You brush and floss every day, you take good care of your teeth, but still, suddenly you feel a throbbing pain in your mouth. When you visit your dentist, he opens it to you that your wisdom tooth is emerging. So what should you do now?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that grow at the very end of your mouth. They develop during the mid-teens or early twenties. When your wisdom teeth emerge, you will definitely feel some pain, especially when they grow impacted.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

It is a common procedure, which almost everyone will experience who has wisdom teeth. While, some with luck will not get them at all. Wisdom teeth extraction is not needed until and unless they trouble you. Your dentist will suggest an affordable cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney when he finds it is impacted or if he foresees any problem that it may cause in future.

Wisdom teeth grow fully impacted when it has no space in your mouth to emerge out of the jawline. In such cases, they grow under the jawline in an uncommon angle or towards the root of the adjacent teeth thus damaging it.

When the wisdom teeth partially erupt above the gum, it creates an opening which is prone to bacterial infection.

In both the cases, it is good that you have your wisdom teeth removed as they can cause crowding, impaction or dental drift. Even in patients who opted not to remove, faced complications that lead to removing them later.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

Despite wisdom teeth removal cost in Mumbai being affordable, the procedure is also simple with no pain. First, the dentist would numb the area including the teeth, gums and surrounding tissues. Then a small cut will be made, and the wisdom teeth will be broken into smaller pieces which will be removed carefully and sutured to prevent blood loss.

Wisdom teeth are removed under anesthesia, either local or general. So you will feel not a small sensation or pain during the procedure. Even if you feel any small sensation talk to your dentist and he will deal it.


Most people scare of the pain and discomfort they may feel after the procedure. But the relief of having the wisdom teeth removed will outweigh any short-term discomfort. Your dentist will give you all the aftercare tips and medications like antibiotics and pain relievers for easy recovery.